Graduates 2023

Graduates 2023

with video and photos of the Graduate Ceremony on 24 November 2023
Graduates 2023
Image: The img/Adobe Stock

Video of the Graduation Ceremony on 24 November 2023 

Recording of the ceremony in the auditorium on 24/11/2023
  • Musical prelude with chamber ensemble of Psycho Chor
  • Welcome by the Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski
  • Award ceremonies and short lectures on final theses
  • Musical interlude with chamber ensemble of Psycho Chor
  • Presentation of certificates (with the Dean of Student Affairs Prof. Dr Sebastian Henn)
  • Musical final with chamber ensemble of Psycho Chor

Many thanks to the University Multimedia Center for making the livestream possible!



The entire deanery congratulates all award winners and graduates 2023 and wishes them all the best for their future careers!

Faculty Awards 2023

Doctoral award winner Dr Paul Strobel (centre) with University President Prof. Walter Rosenthal (right) and Wolfgang Meyer, Chairman of the Society of Friends and Sponsors, at the award ceremony on Schiller Day on 30 June 2023
Doctoral award winner Dr Paul Strobel (centre) with University President Prof. Walter Rosenthal (right) and Wolfgang Meyer, Chairman of the Society of Friends and Sponsors, at the award ceremony on Schiller Day on 30 June 2023
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

Doctoral Thesis Award of the Friedrich Schiller University

Dr Paul Strobel

  • Title of the doctoral thesis:"Late Quaternary climate and environmental reconstruction based on lake and peat sediments from the central southern Cape region of South Africa"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Roland Zech​, Institute of Geography

With his dissertation, Dr Paul Strobel has made a very valuable contribution to the reconstruction of the climate and palaeoenvironment in South Africa, and thus also to our understanding of the climate and ecosystem in a key southern hemispheric region. He combined the most innovative methods (biomarkers and component-specific isotopes), worked extremely diligently, focused and independently, and at the same time impressed me with his team spirit. The resulting list of publications speaks for itself, as does the receipt of a state graduate scholarship, his significant involvement in the successful acquisition of a DFG project, and the award of the Habfast Foundation Isotope Prize.

Prof. Dr Roland Zech


The Doctoral Thesis Award of the Friedrich Schiller University is funded by the Society of Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ("Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena"). The Doctoral Thesis Awards of the Friedrich Schiller University were awarded on 30 June 2023 at the ceremony of "Schilllertag".External link


Graduate Award of the Friedrich Schiller University

Konstantin Schellenberg, M.Sc. Geoinformatik

  • Title of the master thesis: "Forest Stress Monitoring using dual-polarimetric dense SAR Time Series"
  • Supervisor: Dr Clémence Dubois, Dr Thomas Jagdhuber

Mr Schellenberg was an exceptionally committed and inquisitive student, both in the seminars and exercises and during his thesis. In his master's thesis entitled 'Forest Stress Monitoring using Dual Polarimetric Dense SAR Time Series', he combined his broad interest in forests with in-depth expertise in the field of SAR remote sensing. This enabled him to impressively demonstrate that the highly noisy microwave signal can be effectively used to identify long-term changes in forests due to drought stress down to the individual tree level, which he published. His outstanding commitment to academic excellence and his personal development are inspiring and pioneering for others. He will undoubtedly experience many more successes in his future.

Dr Clémence Dubois


The Graduate Award of the Friedrich Schiller University is funded by the Society of Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ("Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena"). The award ceremony took place during the Ceremonial Matriculation on 20 October 2023.


Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof Dr Nina Kukowski, laudator Prof Dr Jürgen Popp, Boris Burger from Analytik Jena GmbH+Co KG (from left). The prizewinner Dr Georgette Azemtsop Mantanfack was unable to attend due to illness.
Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Dean Prof Dr Nina Kukowski, laudator Prof Dr Jürgen Popp, Boris Burger from Analytik Jena GmbH+Co KG (from left). The prizewinner Dr Georgette Azemtsop Mantanfack was unable to attend due to illness.
Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena

Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry

Dr Georgette Azemtsop Mantanfack

  • Title of the doctoral thesis: "Novel Techniques to Access the Activity of Single Bacterial Cells by Raman Spectroscopy and Stable Isotope Probing"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp, Institue of Physical Chemistry

This award is funded by Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG.


Graduate Award Chemistry: Dean Prof Dr Nina Kukowski, prize winner Flavio Portwich, Boris Burger from Analytik Jena GmbH+Co KG (from left)
Graduate Award Chemistry: Dean Prof Dr Nina Kukowski, prize winner Flavio Portwich, Boris Burger from Analytik Jena GmbH+Co KG (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena

Graduate Award Chemistry

Flavio Portwich, M.Sc. Chemistry

  • Title of the master thesis: "Kooperative und isolierte Reaktivität zweikerniger Gallium(I)-verbindungen"
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr Robert Kretschmer, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry


Flavio Portwich is a multi-talented and highly motivated chemist who already demonstrated far above-average independence during his bachelor's degree. His discovery of an aluminium compound with almost 100% quantum yield led to an epiphany in the truest sense of the word, which was received with great interest not only by experts but also by the national media. His esprit had an infectious effect on others and created a dynamic atmosphere both in the lecture theatre and in the laboratory. His productive restlessness was not limited to his chemistry studies, but also unfolded in other areas, be it in his role as a tutor or as a volunteer member and specialist teacher at the fire brigade.

Prof. Dr Robert Kretschmer


This award is funded by Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG.



Graduate Award Geosciences: Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski, winner Jakob Stubenrauch und Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski (from left)
Graduate Award Geosciences: Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski, winner Jakob Stubenrauch und Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski (from left)
Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena

Graduate Award Geosciences

Jakob Stubenrauch, M.Sc. Geosciences

  • Title of the master thesis: "Active tectonics and tectonic geomorphology in the region of the Fella-Sava Fault"
  • Supervisor: Dr Christoph Grützner, Institute of Geosciences

Mr Jakob Stubenrauch has delivered a truly outstanding Master's thesis - at a high scientific level, innovative and thorough. This was a great benefit for our research project. I was particularly impressed by his independent way of working and his versatility. Mr Stubenrauch is a master of remote sensing, computer and field work. He is equally at home in geomorphology and sedimentology; he works in Austria, Slovenia and Kazakhstan. This award is highly deserved and I congratulate him from the bottom of my heart.

Dr Christoph Grützner


The Graduate Award Geosciences is funded by the Society for the Promotion of Earth Sciences Jena ("Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geowissenschaften Jena").


Graduates 2023

A female student in a lab coat with a plant and a stone
A female student in a lab coat with a plant and a stone
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Biogeosciences B.Sc.

  • Samuel Atzmann
  • Johanna Brusch
  • Johanna Däumer 
  • Sandra Duran Rios
  • Lea Elflein
  • Ferenc Füzi
  • Negin Khodabakhshi
  • Marlene Kroschel
  • Linda Schönfeld
  • Sebastian Seiberlich
  • Hannes Stengel
  • Melanie Westphal
Two female students during a practical laboratory course in chemistry
Two female students during a practical laboratory course in chemistry
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Chemistry B.Sc.

  • Julius Bartels
  • Richard Bauer
  • Maximilian Broek
  • Elias Brohmer
  • Berkay Erdogdu
  • Andreas Freitag
  • Leon Fuhrmann
  • Tom Gudehus
  • Tobias Hatzsch
  • Larin Lederer
  • Christoph Mikosch
  • Lennart Benedikt Möhler
  • Jakob Neun
  • Julius Willrich
  • Sophie Wollschläger
Earth from space
Earth from space
Image: NASA

Geography B.Sc.

  • Jonas Böhner
  • Alexander Borrmann
  • Johanna Eckert
  • Therese Maria Gaschler
  • Maria Held
  • Carlo Kretzmähr
  • Theodor Langer
  • Lukas Pätz
  • Paul Rasche
  • Fanny Seidel
  • Moritz Stammberger
  • David Turnwald
  • Janik Wulf
  • Carlos Wydra
  • Bixia Yang
  • Marc Zausch
Two male students investigate a geological outcrop
Two male students investigate a geological outcrop
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Geosciences B.Sc.

  • Eric Bräuner
  • Florian Buchardt
  • Muriel Bülhoff
  • Janin Fritz
A male student in a lab with plants
A male student in a lab with plants
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Biogeosciences M.Sc.

  • Sarah Luise Bucka
  • Tobias Dornis
  • Antonia Gast
  • Marla Josephine Jeckstiess
  • Nicolas Köppner
  • Jan-Philip Räder
  • Lena Luise Wenkebach
Glass jars and notes in a chemical laboratory
Glass jars and notes in a chemical laboratory
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Chemistry M.Sc.

  • Sina Arnoldt
  • Hannah Busch
  • Jonas Dietrich
  • Lars Flüggen
  • Lucas Gregor
  • Marius Hingel
  • Patricia Hofmann
  • Konrad Hotzel
  • Eric Jückstock
  • Lea Klepsch
  • Anne Konrad
  • Vladimir Sadohin
  • Julia Vogt
Two female students working in a lab
Two female students working in a lab
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Chemical Biology M.Sc.

  • Anne-Susann Abel
  • Sina Becker
  • Alexandra Kipping
  • Jessica Lamber
  • Felix Rudolf Schneidmadel
  • Lidia Schröter
  • Lorenz Thost
  • Hannah Zeihe
Prototype of an organic battery
Prototype of an organic battery
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Chemistry-Energy-Environment M.Sc.

  • Beke Bracher
  • Carolina Casas Mesa
  • Maximilian Fischer
  • Carolin Viola Haaker
  • Andrea Hainthaler
  • Michel Klein
  • Moritz Maschke
  • Nadja Passing
  • Selina Ring
  • Jan Alexander Speck-Bieber
  • Christian Terechin
  • Julia Vogt
  • Sebastian Witt
  • Bingchen Xue
  • Philipp Zügel
A tube with a red powder
A tube with a red powder
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Chemistry of Materials M.Sc.

  • Oluwaseun Adebayo
  • Teymur Asadov
  • Merve Ayyildiz
  • Wenquian Dang
  • Shivangi Dhola
  • Emmanuel Ebnang
  • Carlos Andrés Escobar Cifuentes
  • Savelii Filipkow
  • Jupiter Daniel Guedea Ruiz
  • Parthkumar Gujarati
  • Konul Jafarova
  • Tavseef Khan
  • Jackson Kocis
  • Mai Quynh Nguyen
  • Tabata Nöthel
  • Christiana Onyebueke
  • Sixtus Osuagwu
  • Ching-Chieh Shen
  • Liyanage Nilusha Dilshan Silva
  • Gaudam Sreedevi Jacob
  • Jialn Tian
  • Daria Zinchenko
Two female students reading textbooks
Two female students reading textbooks
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Geography M.Sc.

  • Sascha Graupner
  • Paula Maria Kies
  • Yipeng Liu
  • Christoph Maier
  • Corrie Mathiak
  • Laura Miczka
  • Diego Ruiz von Dessauer
  • Max Schuchardt
  • Julian Tafel
  • Kim Wagner
  • Flavio Zago
Two students edit digital maps on the computer
Two students edit digital maps on the computer
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)


  • Felix Bachmann
  • Cilja Ferrari
  • Famke Geißler
  • Florian Marcus Hellwig
  • Svenja Hoffmann
  • Friederike Metz
  • Anastasia Vynohradova
  • Paul Weber-Markert
A male student working on a transmission electron microscope
A male student working on a transmission electron microscope
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Geosciences M.Sc.

  • Steffanie Flietel
  • Markus Hermann
  • Alexander Koelzer
  • Dennis Köhler
  • Silvia Kolomaznik
  • Florian Kusche
  • Jessica Langbein
  • Rebecca Lellau
  • Mark Patrick Mücklisch
  • Christoph Stoltenberg
Three students of the master programme Environmental and Georesources Management
Three students of the master programme Environmental and Georesources Management
Image: Sebastian Reuter

Environmental and Georesources Management M.Sc.

  • Marius Braun
  • Niclas Münch
  • Marie Werner

Dissertations 2023

Doctoral cap
Doctoral cap
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Dr Neus Allande Calvet

  • "Time-resolved spectroscopy of two-dimensional systems: from the conventional method to a novel cavity-enhanced solution"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Aman Anand

  • "Stable, Conductive, and Cost-Effective Semi-Transparent Electrodes for Organic Photovoltaics and Beyond"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Philipp Balling

  • "Structural evolution of the central part of the External Dinarides fold-and-thrust-belt"
  • Institute of Geosciences

Dr Marie-Christin Barth

  • "Platinum(IV) complexes with biologically active ligands as multi-action prodrugs"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Moritz Igor Barth

  • "Metal-related Mineral Assemblages as Probes into Protoplanetary Gas-Solid Interactions"
  • Institute of Geosciences

Dr Artur Bekisch

  • "Carbon-free Bifunctional Gas Diffusion Electrode for Alkaline Energy Converter"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Omar Benzine 

  • "Vibrational Dynamics, Heterogeneity and Medium-range Order in Glasses"
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research

Dr Philipp Sebastian Borchers

  • "Ferrocene-based Materials for Energy Storage Applications"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Annika Bothe       

  • "Analysis of thermal and electrochemical properties of alternative electrolytes for electrical-double layer capacitors"  
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Davide Botteri

  • "Development of perylene and silicon rhodamine imaging reagents for fluorescence guided surgery"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Henning Otto Brinkhaus

  • "Development of deep learning applications for the automated extraction of chemical information from scientific literature"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Gizem Cinar

  • "Physicochemical aspects of pharmaceutically-relevant polymers and nanoparticles in solution"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Ceren Cokca

  • "Guanidinium containing Poly(methacrylamide)s for Non-viral Gene Delivery"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Daniel Olivet Costabel

  • "Organic Photosensitizers for Light-driven Hydrogen Evolution: Synthesis, Characterization and Application"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Erwan Yudiar Darussalam 

  • "Nanoscale Characterization of Biopolymers using Atomic Force Microscopy and Plasmon-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Pori Das

  • "Regional Water Balance Analysis of Glacierised River Basins in the North-Eastern Himalaya Applying the J2000 Hydrological Model"
  • Institute of Geography

Dr Gökben Demir

  • "The Role o+D6:D78f Canopy Induced Heterogeneity in Subsurface Hydrological Processes"
  • Institute of Geosciences

Dr Yicong Ding         

  • "Mechanoluminescence and Ultrasound-Induced Light Emission of Oxides and Oxysulfides"
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research

Dr Cornelius Leopold Dirksen

  • "The influence of transition metal addition on lithium stabilized Na-ß"-alumina electrolytes"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Jonas Eichhorn

  • "Towards light-driven catalysis in block copolymer micelles"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Micheal Eshak        

  • "Reactivity of Platinum (II) Complexes with (O,S) Bidentate Ligands towards DNA Model Systems for Cancer Treatment"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Lina M. Estupiñán-Suárez

  • "Vegetation Dynamics in Northern South America on Different Time Scales"       
  • Institute of Geography

Dr Simona Fenizia

  • "Signals or resources? Biosynthesis and accumulation of zwitterionic compatible solutes in marine phytoplankton and their role in environmental stress responses"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Zekarias Teklu Gebremichael

  • "Patterning, Defect Passivation, and Crytallization of Metal Halide Perovskites for Sensor and Photovaltaic Applications"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Judith Glienke     

  • "Machine Learning in Environmental Chemistry: Application of QSPR Modelling in Wastewater Treatment"
  • Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Dr Veit Georg Jonathan Hänsch

  • "Photochemical Synthesis of Biaryls and Cyclophanes"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Fanziska Hausig-Punke

  • "The delivery of biologicals across endosomal membranes by pH-responsive polymers"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Keshav Kumar Jha

  • "Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in Polymeric Systems and Model Membranes"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Andreas Friedbert Kießling

  • "Unsymmetrische Doppel-Schiff-Basen als Liganden: Selektiver Zugang zu homo- und heterodinuklearen 3d-Übergangsmetallkomplexen "
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Paul Klemm      

  • "Synthesis of functional polymeric carrier material for nanoparticle formulation and efficient gene and drug delivery"        
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Jan-Hendrik Kruse

  • "Catalytically Active Block Copolymer Membranes for Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution and Water Oxidation"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Maria Küllmer        

  • "Photoactive Carbon Nanomembranes"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Daniel Leichnitz     

  • "Total synthesis of new microbial sphingolipid-type signaling molecules"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Zhan-Hong Lin

  • "Study on plasmonic chiral light-matter interaction and the optical properties of fluorescent microspheres"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Henry Lindemann

  • "Polysaccharid-basierte Nanopartikel zur Hemmung von Histondeacetylasen"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Xiao Liu

  • "Platinum(IV) Complexes as Prospective Anticancer Agents: Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Evaluation"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Georg Löwe

  • "Interplay between tectonics and magmatism in the internal Dinarides"          
  • Institute of Geosciences

Dr Fengjiao Ma 

  • "Image Processing for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy"           
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Miles Joschua Mandel          

  • "Synthese und Reaktivität substituierter Bis(pyrazol-1-yl)methanid-Komplexe der s-Blockmetalle und des Zinks"        
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Rico Meitzner         

  • "Charge Transport Layers in Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) - Challenges and Opportunities for the Large-Scale Deployment of OPV"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Josefine Meurer  

  • "Shape-memory polymers based on reversible supramolecular interactions"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Frieda Nagler  

  • "Polymeric materials of variable charge and hydrophilicity - Investigation of fragrance encapsulation"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Ansgar Oberheide          

  • "Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies of Polyazole Cyclopeptide Natural Products – Aurantizolicin and Urukthapelstatin A"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Elsie Quansah

  • "Multi-contrast microspectroscopic techniques to monitor immune response"      
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Luka Raguž        

  • "Total Synthesis of Bacterial and Fungal Lipidic Natural Products and their Functional Analysis as Signaling Molecules"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Muhabat Adeola Raji

  • "Colorimetric rapid biosensors for the detection of pathogens in contaminated hospital environment"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Kourosh Rezaei 

  • "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Plasmonic Probe"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Friederike Richter

  • "Strategies to Optimize Cationic Polymers for Gene Delivery via Endosomal Escape"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Marko Rodewald

  • "Molecular Imaging for the Identification of Characteristic Biomedical Spectroscopic Cell and Tissue Features"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Philip Rohland

  • "Aqueous Organic Redox-Flow-Batteries: From Electrolyte Development to Detailed Stability Studies"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Adrian Saal      

  • "1,2,4-Benzotriazinyl radicals - Synthesis and application in organic battery systems"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Felix Schalk       

  • "Functional and genomic analysis of bacterial and fungal natural products derived from the fungus-growing termite"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Jonas Schaub

  • "Development and implementation of in silico molecule fragmentation algorithms for the chemoinformatics analysis of natural product space"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Patrick Schratz         

  • "Benchmarking environmental machine-learning models: Methodological progress and an application to forest health"
  • Institute of Geography

Dr Philipp Seeber

  • "Developments in Multiscale ONIOM and Fragment Methods for Complex Chemical Systems"  
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Bianca Nicole Seidler

  • "Spectroscopic investigations of Cu(I) 4H-imidazolate complexes - precious metal-free chromophores for energy conversion applications"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Haodong Shen      

  • "Raman spectroscopy as a strategy to investigate biofilm"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Juliane Traber

  • "Synthese und Eigenschaften ausgewählter Metabolite des Häm-Abbaus"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Markus Witzler 

  • "Kompositmaterialien und ionische Agarosederivate zur verzögerten Wirkstofffreisetzung für die Knochenregeneration"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Tiangxiang Yang

  • "Photoinduced excited-state dynamics of small molecules measured in cellulo"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dr Mehmet Aziz Yirik    

  • "Development of Efficient Open-Source Chemical Graph Generators"
  • Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr Nicole Ziegenbalg                      

  • "Polymerization of reactive S-vinyl monomers"
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

Dr Karl Michael Ziems

  • "High-frequency light-matter interaction in atoms and molecules"
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry


Persons who completed their doctorate in the period October 2022-October 2023 are listed.

All completed doctorates and postdoctoral theses since 2001 with links to the full text can be found on our research page.

Photos of the Graduation Ceremony on 24 November 2023

  • Programme flyer for the graduation ceremony 2023 with roses
    Programme flyer for the graduation ceremony 2023 with roses
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Programme flyer for the graduation ceremony 2023 with roses
    Programme flyer for the graduation ceremony 2023 with roses
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Chamber ensemble of the "Psycho-Chor"
    Chamber ensemble of the "Psycho-Chor"
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Chamber ensemble of the "Psycho-Chor"
    Chamber ensemble of the "Psycho-Chor"
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski
    Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Graduate Award Geosciences: Laudatory speaker Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski
    Graduate Award Geosciences: Laudatory speaker Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Graduate Award Geosciences: Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski, winner Jakob Stubenrauch and Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski (from left)
    Graduate Award Geosciences: Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski, winner Jakob Stubenrauch and Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski (from left)
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Graduate Award Geosciences: Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski, winner Jakob Stubenrauch und Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski (from left)
    Graduate Award Geosciences: Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski, winner Jakob Stubenrauch und Prof. Dr Kamil Ustaszewski (from left)
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Faculty Award Geosciences: winner Jakob Stubenrauch
    Faculty Award Geosciences: winner Jakob Stubenrauch
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/ Universität Jena
  • Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski
    Dean Prof. Dr Nina Kukowski
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof Dr Jürgen Popp
    Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof Dr Jürgen Popp
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  • Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof Dr Jürgen Popp
    Doctoral Thesis Award Chemistry: Laudator Prof Dr Jürgen Popp
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
Pagination Page 1

If you require a photo in original resolution, please send an e-mail to The photos may be used for private purposes.

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