Dr. Carsten Pathe

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Carsten Pathe received the Dipl.Geogr. degree from the Friedrich Schiller Univ. of Jena, Germany, in 2002 and Ph.D. in 2009 from the Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria for his research on soil moisture retrieval from multi-year Envisat ASAR ScanSAR data using a change detection technique. From 2002 to 2010 he worked as a project assistant and manager at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (I.P.F.) at the Vienna Univ. of Technology. Since 2010 he is with the chair of Remote Sensing at the Institute of Geography at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany. His main tasks comprise the development and application of methods for retrieving geophysical variables over land from active remote sensing data with a particularly interest in soil moisture and biomass. He has been involved in several national and international research projects working on establishing operational methods for extracting geophysical variables active microwave sensors. Besides this, he works as a reviewer for several scientific journals and was involved in the foundation of the spin-off from the Chair of Remote Sensing, the Earth Observation Services GmbH.
Research Interests
- Retrieval of soil moisture and biomass from active microwave remote sensing data
- Change Detection
- Time-Series Analysis
- Climate change issues and Natural Hazards
Current projects
- CCI BiomassExternal link
Climate Change Initiative
- DLR Jena Cooperation, Institute of Data Science, Department of Citizen ScienceExternal link
Concluded projects
- ESA DUE Globbiomass
- CCI BiomassExternal link
DUBOIS, C., MUELLER, M. M., PATHE, C., JAGDHUBER, T., CREMER, F., THIEL, C., & SCHMULLIUS, C. (2020). Characterization of land cover seasonality in Sneintle-1 time series data. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 5(3). ViewExternal link
THIEL, C., MÜLLER, M. M., BERGER, C., CREMER, F., DUBOIS, C., HESE, S.,BAADE, J., KLAN, F. & PATHE, C. (2020). Monitoring Selective Logging in a Pine-Dominated Forest in Central Germany with Repeated Drone Flights Utilizing A Low Cost RTK Quadcopter. Drones, 4(2), 11. ViewExternal link
RODRÍGUEZ-VEIGA, P., QUEGAN, S., CARREIRAS, J., PERSSOND, H., FRANSSON, J., HOSCILO, A., ZIÓŁKOWSKIE, D., STEREŃCZAK, K., LOHBERGERG, S., STÄNGEL, M., BERNINGER, A., SIEGERT, F., AVITABILE, V., HEROLD, M., MERMOZ, S., BOUVET, A., LE TOAN, T., CARVALHAIS, N., SANTORO, M., CARTUS, O., RAUSTE, Y., MATHIEU, R., ASNER, G.P., THIEL, C., PATHE, C., SCHMULLIUS, C., SEIFERT, F.M., TANSEY, K., BALZTER, H. (2019): Forest biomass retrieval approaches from earth observation in different biomes. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 77, 53-68.
HOSCILO, A., LEWANDOWSKA, A., ZIÓŁKOWSKI, D., STEREŃCZAK, K. ,LISAŃCZUK M., SCHMULLIUS, C. AND PATHE, C. (2018): Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimationusinga Combinationof Sentinel-1and Sentinel-2 Data. In IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 9026-9029). IEEE
SANTORO, M., BEAUDOIN, A., BEER, C., CARTUS, O., FRANSSON, JBS., HALL, RJ., PATHE, C., SCHMULLIUS, C., SCHEPASCHENKO, D., SHVIDENKO, A., THURNER, M., WEGMULLER, U. (2015): Forest growing stock volume of the northern hemisphere: Spatially explicit estimates for 2010 derived from Envisat ASAR. In: Rem. Sens. Environment, Vol. 168, pp. 316-334, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.07.005
SCHMULLIUS, C., C. THIEL, C. PATHE & M. SANTORO (2015). Radar Time Series for Land Cover and Forest Mapping. In Remote Sensing Time Series (pp. 323-356). Springer International Publishing.
SANTORO, M., C. SCHMULLIUS, C. PATHE, J. SCHWILK, C. BEER, M. THURNER, J.E.S.RANSSON, A. SHVIDENKO, D. SCHEPASCHENKO, I. MCCALLUM, R. J. HALL, A. BEAUDOIN (2013): Estimates of forest growing stocks volume of the northern hemisohere from Envisat ASAR," Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh, 9-13 September, pp. SP-722
SANTORO, M., C. SCHMULLIUS, C., PATHE, C., SCHWILK, J. (2012): Pan-boreal mapping of forest growing stock volume using hyper-temporal Envisat ASAR ScanSAR backscatter data," Proceedings of IGARSS'12, Munich, 23-27 July, pp. 7204-7207
PATHE, C., W. WAGNER, D. SABEL, M. DOUBKOVA & J. B. BASARA (2010): Using ENVISAT ASAR Global Mode for Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval over Oklahoma, USA. - IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 47, Issue 2, 468-480.
DOUBKOVA, M., A. BARTSCH, D. SABEL, C. PATHE & W. WAGNER (2008): Okavango Wetland Phenology studied with MODIS Operational Products and ENVISAT ASAR Wetness Product. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10.
WAGNER, W., C. PATHE, D. SABEL, M. DOUBKOVA & A. BARTSCH (2008): The ESA Tiger Innovator project SHARE - Soil moisture for hydrometeorologic applications in the SADC region. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10.
PATHE, C., W. WAGNER, M. HOLLAUS, M. DOUBKOVA, V. NAEIMI, A. BARTSCH & B. SZÉKELY (2008): The EO-NatHaz project - remotely sensed soil moisture for assessment of natural hazards in the Austrian Alps. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10.
DOUBKOVA, M., A. BARTSCH, D. SABEL, C. PATHE & W. WAGNER (2008): Okavango Wetland Phenology studied with MODIS Operational Products and ENVISAT ASAR Wetness Product. Poster: Egu 2008, Vienna., 13.04.2008 - 18.04.2008. - Geophysical Research Abstracts 10 , ISSN: 1607-7962., 2 S.
BARTSCH, A., M. DOUBKOVA, C. PATHE, D. SABEL, P. WOLSKI & W. WAGNER (2008): River flow & wetland monitoring with ENVISAT ASAR Global mode in the Okavango Basin and Delta. - Proceedings of the Second IASTED Africa Conference Water Resource Management (AfricaWRM). Gaborone, 08-10 September 2008, ACTA Press, 152-156.
WAGNER, W., C. PATHE, M. DOUBKOVA, D. SABEL, A. BARTSCH, S. HASENAUER, G. BLÖSCHL, K. SCIPAL, J. MARTÍNEZ-FERNÁNDEZ & A. LÖW (2008): Temporal stability of soil moisture and radar backscatter observed by the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR). - Sensors, 8, 1174-1197.
BARTSCH, A., C. PATHE, W. WAGNER & K. SCIPA (2008): Detection of permanent open water surfaces in central Siberia with ENVISAT ASAR wide swath data with special emphasis on the estimation of methane fluxes from tundra wetlands. - Hydrology Research, 39, 89-100.
WAGNER, W., C. PATHE, D. SABEL, A. BARTSCH, C. KÜNZER & K. SCIPAL (2007): Experimental 1 km soil moisture products from ENVISAT ASAR for Southern Africa. - Proceedings of the Envisat Symposium. Montreux, 23-27 April 2007, ESA SP-636.
SABEL, D., C. PATHE, W. WAGNER, S. HASENAUER, A. BARTSCH, C. KÜNZER & K. SCIPAL (2007): Using ENVISAT ScanSAR data for characterizing scaling properties of scatterometer derived soil moisture information over southern Africa. - Proceedings of the Envisat Symposium. Montreux, 23-27 April 2007, ESA SP-636.
SABEL, D., A. BARTSCH, C. PATHE & W. WAGNER (2007): Runoff-generating soil moisture patterns in subtropical regions. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, Paper-Nr. 04503.
BARTSCH, A., K. SCIPAL, P WOLSKI, C. PATHE, D. SABEL & W. WAGNER (2007): Microwave remote sensing of hydrology in southern Africa. - Global Change Issues in Developing and Emerging Countries, Universitätsdrucke Göttingen, Göttingen (2007), 269-277.
BARTSCH, A., C. PATHE & W. WAGNER (2007): Wetland mapping in the West Siberian Lowlands with ENVISAT ASAR global mode. - Proceedings of the Envisat Symposium. Montreux, 23-27 April 2007, ESA SP-636.
BARTSCH, A., C. PATHE & W. WAGNER (2007): Relative soil moisture from C- and L-band SAR time series. - Proceedings of the The First Joint PI Symposium of ALOS Data Nodes for ALOS Science Program. Kyoto 19-23 November 2007.
BARTSCH, A., R. KIDD, C. PATHE, W. WAGNER & K. SCIPAL (2007): Satellite radar imagery for monitoring inland wetlands boreal and sub-arctic environments. - Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Vol. 17, 305-317.
BARTSCH, A., W. WAGNER, K. SCIPAL, C. PATHE, D. SABEL & P. WOLSKI (2006): ENVISAT ASAR Global Mode capabilities for global monitoring of wetlands. - Proccedings of GlobWetland: Looking at Wetlands from Space. Frascati, 19-20 October 2006. ESA SP-634.
WAGNER, W., K. SCIPAL, A. BARTSCH & C. PATHE (2005): ENVISAT's capabilities for global monitoring of the hydrosphere. - Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Symposium. Seoul, 25-29 July 2005, 5678-5680.
BARTSCH, A., C. PATHE, W. WAGNER & K. SCIPAL (2004): Inundation patterns of Siberian wetlands from ENVISAT ASAR WS data. - Vortrag: Proceedings of the 7th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht., 25-30 July 2004.
BARTSCH, A., C. PATHE, A. SHVIDENKO & W. WAGNER (2004): Identification of wetlands in Central Siberia with ENVISAT ASAR WS data. - Proceedings of the Envisat & ERS Symposium. Salzburg, 06-10 September 2004.
WAGNER, W. & C. PATHE (2004): Has SAR failed in soil moisture retrieval? - Proceedings of the Envisat & ERS Symposium. Salzburg, 06-10 September 2004.
PATHE, C. & W. WAGNER (2004): Soil moisture estimation on a regional scale using Envisat ASAR Wide Swath images. - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications. Innsbruck, 16-19 Novembver 2004.
BARTSCH, A., C. PATHE, A. SHVIDENKO & W. WAGNER (2004): Identification of wetlands in Central Siberia with ENVISAT ASAR WS data. - Proceedings of the Envisat & ERS Symposium. Salzburg, 06-10 September 2004.
WAGNER, W., K. SCIPAL, C. PATHE, D. GERTEN, W. LUCHT & B. RUDOL (2003): Evaluation of the agreement between remotely sensed soil moisture data with model and precipitation data. - Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (2003), D19.
HEROLD, M., C. PATHE & C. SCHMULLIUS (2001): The Effect of Free Vegetation Water on the Multi-Frequency and Polarimetric Radar Backscatter. First Results from the TerraDew 2000 Campaign. - Proceedings of International Remote Sensing and Geoscience Symposium (IGARSS'01). Sydney, July 2001, CD-ROM.
RIEDEL, T., C. PATHE, C. THIEL, M. HEROLD & C.SCHMULLIUS (2001): Systematic Investigation on the Effect of Dew and Interception on Multifrequency, Multipolarimetric and Multiscale Radar Backscatter Signals. - Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications. Sheffield, 11-14 September 2001, 99-104.
PATHE C., C. SCHMULLIUS, T. RIEDEL, A. MÜLLER, M. HEROLD & C. THIEL (2001): On the Influence of Diurnal Variations of Surface Wetness on Class Separability of Agricultural Crops in Multi-Frequency and Polarimetric SAR-Data with regard to future TerraSAR and ENVISAT-Applications. - Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications. Sheffield, 11-14 September 2001, 285-289.